I’m forever grateful for the opportunity I was presented all those years ago and the people who believed and supported me along the way!
Thank you!!!!
Jim Ludwick – Thanks for giving me a full-time job, even though you only could afford a part-time assistant at that time!
My parents – Thank you for bringing me to America and everything that came with it!
My hubby- Yuri Sergunin – I love you! You are my everything Fun fact: we were only married for one year when I started with MainStreet back in 2006.
My clients – Thank you for trusting me with your most intimate assets, your Money.
My MainStreet Financial Planning team – you guys ROCK! You’re the best financial planners in the world . We are going to the moon
My colleagues – I’ve learned so much from you over the years!
Money Flow System – Download Free Money Flow Playbook and start automating your finances.
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