This Program is designed to provide information and education about personal finance. We are not providing legal advice, tax advice, financial advice, investment advice, therapy, mental health advice, family counseling, or other professional advice to anyone who purchases the Program. You have a responsibility to consult other professionals such as financial planners, investment advisors, tax advisors, accountants, or an attorney before implementing any information in this Program. We cannot guarantee that you will achieve success, since your results depend upon your effort and other factors out of our control such as market conditions,  your experience, and your particular circumstances. Any stories or testimonials shared on this page are not necessarily indicative of the expected results of implementing the content contained in this Program. Each person featured has unique circumstances which drive their results, such as their experience and implementation. This Program is sold “as is” and Anna Sergunina Media, LLC disclaims warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and infringement.