Money Boss Parent



Listen as Anna Sergunina takes you on her journey to becoming a Money Boss.  Each episode provides great insight into how you can become a Money Boss too!  Don’t forget to subscribe, so you can stay current with the latest posts.

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Once per year I recommend sitting down and look at where your Financial Health is. Just like if you would go to the doctor’s office to get an annual check-up. The idea here is to see how much progress you’ve made. I am a big believer in “What’s measured, can be improved”. Let’s see where […]
In this interview second interview with Emily Martinez, time hacking expert, we go about discussing her favorite time hacks you can apply in all areas of your life: family, household, relationships & business. Learn true and tried tips & tricks and best practices to feel more in control!
In the next two episodes, I share an interview with a time hacking expert Emily Martinez. This is the topic we all need to revisit, not just once a year, but every day! We are talking in this episode about how can we find more time? Is there a strategy to Hack more time? First […]
Very frequently I get a question by my clients, friends and family about how many accounts they need to have? Checking, Savings, Online Savings, Money Market, Credit cards, etc. There is no right or wrong answer, it’s really what works for you. I like the idea of having a system of where each account I […]
Mortgage rates have been on fire and I’ve been telling clients for months now to look at refi options. Here is what Yuri and I decided to do this week, to Refi our 3.25%- jumbo loan, with an awesome rate of 2.5% with 0.3% points, upfront, and here is why you too should consider refinancing.

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Looking for how to get your money in order as a new parent? Take the first step and download our Ultimate New Parent Money Checklist for FREE!